Renuva in Pittsburgh, PA


Renuva is a groundbreaking cosmetic injectable treatment that utilizes an autologous fat transfer to improve the appearance and texture of various areas of the body. This page will provide a comprehensive overview of Renuva injectables, its benefits, the procedure, and what you can expect from this cutting-edge treatment.

How does the Renuva procedure work?

Renuva injectables employ a unique process that involves harvesting and processing your own fat cells. These processed cells are then strategically injected into targeted areas to stimulate tissue regeneration and improve the overall appearance. This technique provides long-lasting and natural-looking results.

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Benefits of Renuva Injectables

Below are some benefits of Renuva injectables:

  • Natural Tissue Restoration: Renuva uses your body's own fat cells to restore volume and contours, resulting in a natural-looking outcome.
  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure is minimally invasive, avoiding the need for extensive incisions or surgery.
  • Versatile Treatment: Renuva can be applied to various areas such as the face, hands, breasts, and buttocks, addressing a wide range of aesthetic concerns.
  • Long-lasting Results: With Renuva, the results are typically long-lasting, minimizing the need for frequent touch-ups.

Renuva FAQ

What areas of the body can be treated with Renuva injections?

Renuva injections can be used to enhance volume and contour in various areas of the body, including the face, hands, buttocks, breasts, and other areas affected by volume loss, wrinkles, or scars. Common treatment areas for patients in Pittsburgh, PA include the cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and acne scars.

How long do the results of Renuva injections last?

The longevity of results from Renuva injections can vary depending on factors such as the treated area, individual metabolism, and lifestyle factors. In general, results from Renuva injections can last for several years, with some patients experiencing prolonged benefits with maintenance treatments.

What is the recovery process like after Renuva injections?

The recovery process after Renuva injections is typically minimal, with most patients able to resume normal activities immediately after treatment. Some swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection site may occur but usually resolves within a few days. Your healthcare provider may recommend avoiding strenuous exercise and sun exposure for a short period after treatment.

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Renuva Consultation

Experience the transformative benefits of Renuva injectables for natural tissue restoration. Dr. James Fernau offers a safe and effective solution to address volume loss, scars, and contour irregularities using your body's own fat cells. Consult our experienced professionals to discuss your goals and develop a personalized treatment plan that will help you achieve the natural-looking results you desire.


If you are interested in learning more about the Renuva procedure, please contact us today. We would be happy to schedule a consultation with one of our qualified providers.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.