NeoGraft is an incision-free approach for hair restoration and is clearly revolutionizing hair transplantation worldwide. This patient presented desiring transplantation to the front and back of his scalp using the specialized NeoGraft machine and an incision-free approach to harvest hair from the ocipital donor dominant scalp (back of scalp) and meticuluously and precisely transplanted from the vertex of the scalp (crown) to the frontal scalp (hairline). This patient had 2000 grafts transplanted. During the procedure we used platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP, into three areas of the scalp. It was used in the harvest site and the donor site and sprayed directly onto the new transplanted hair at the end of the procedure to create a 100% seal. Also, PRP accelerates growth of hair in both the donor and the recipient site. Post operatively his dressing was removed the next day and he had 100% take of all of his grafts. He experienced no pain. Additionally, at 3 months he underwent another treatment of platelet-rich plasma injections into the recipient site to accelerate the growth of the recipient hair. This procedure takes 15 minutes. He is extremely satisfied and gave us a 10/10 satisfaction rating.