Can Facelift Surgery Get Rid of Wrinkles?

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Many store-bought products promise to reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles, but drugstore creams can only do so much. Cosmetic procedures like facelift surgery may offer a more profound solution for unwanted signs of aging. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. James Fernau provides natural-looking results tailored to your needs and goals in Coraopolis, PA.

Men and women in the Pittsburgh area can benefit from this advanced procedure at Accent on Body Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa. Call to book an appointment and see how a facelift can restore your youthful appearance. We can help you get the best possible outcomes.

How do deep wrinkles form?

Fine lines appear as we age, and environmental factors like sun exposure damage our skin. However, deeper wrinkles and creases result from volume loss. As we age, our bodies create less collagen and elastin, causing a decrease in tissue elasticity. Facelift surgery may be an effective solution when topical treatments no longer address the source of the issue.

What is involved in a facelift?

Facelift surgery involves removing excess skin and repositioning the underlying tissues for a smoother, more toned appearance. Dr. Fernau offers several techniques based on your unique signs of aging, including deep wrinkles, hollow cheeks, or sagging skin around the mid-face or jawline. Some procedures are minimally invasive, while others require more extensive surgery.

Facelifts can be combined with BOTOX® wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers for more comprehensive rejuvenation. These treatments soften wrinkles and restore volume in areas that have become hollow or sunken. Whether you want to appear young or achieve a balanced, attractive shape, Dr. Fernau offers a wide range of solutions.

Can facelift surgery address wrinkles?

Ideal candidates for a facelift are healthy, nonsmoking adults with realistic expectations about their outcomes. This procedure is not necessarily designed for wrinkles alone but rather provides a comprehensive solution to aging skin. Patients should have clear goals in mind before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. We will be happy to answer your questions about facelift surgery in Coraopolis, PA.

The good news is our patients report looking younger and refreshed for years after their procedure. Deep wrinkles and lines seem to fade away, skin appears much firmer, and facial contours become more defined. We encourage patients to continue taking care of their skin after surgery to maintain their outcomes. Cosmetic injections can slow down future signs of aging and provide a complementary solution to surgery.

Will I have scars after facelift surgery?

We understand some people are concerned about incisions and scarring. Dr. Fernau is highly skilled in facial plastic surgery and takes great care to ensure minimal scarring. We accomplish this by placing incisions in areas that are naturally hidden, such as near the hairline or behind the ears. No one should be able to tell you had any work done.

Get a facelift and reduce hard-to-treat wrinkles

Wrinkles no longer have to be a part of your life. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. James Fernau has the skills and experience necessary to provide beautiful results in the Pittsburgh area. Call Accent on Body Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa now to learn about this cutting-edge treatment and get the answers to your facelift questions in Coraopolis, PA. We are excited to work with you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.